Our June 2016 Newsletter included an article called “Looking for a way to reduce Payroll Tax?”
This article explained that for each eligible employee who undertakes a Traineeship (as defined), your business could potentially exclude that employee’s wage from WA Payroll Tax (5.5%).
Late last week the State Government announced changes to this exemption.
The Government will introduce a Bill into Parliament in 2018 to limit the payroll tax exemption to new employees with annual wages of $100,000 or less. The bill, when passed, will have effect from 1 December 2017.
New employees are defined as an employee that has been continuously employed for less than 3 months full-time or less than 12 months casual or part-time, or a combination of both.
To find out more about the new eligibility requirements and how they may affect you, please click this link http://www.finance.wa.gov.au/cms/uploadedFiles/_State_Revenue/Publications_and_Resources/Circulars/Payroll_Tax_Circular_10-Trainees_Exemption.pdf
Based in Canning Vale, Perth, our expert team can assist in a many ways: please call us on 08 9256 2777 or email admin@bqk.com.au to see how our Accountants can assist managing your payroll tax obligations.