Brealey Quill Kenny Accounting Forms & Tax Tools

Brealey Quill Kenny has developed a number of useful forms and tools to assist our clients to meet their record keeping requirements.

Be sure to read through our terms of engagement – a summary of the responsibilities of both clients and ourselves for the preparation of an individual tax return. For business clients a document is prepared to suit each engagement.

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Cashflow Manager & Tax Envelope

The Tax Organiser envelope is a simple tool for efficiently storing and organising financial information. Tax Organiser envelopes are provided free to our clients. Download the BQK Tax Organiser example The Cashflow Manager cashbooks suit...

Tax Return Checklist and Business Checklist

At Brealey Quill Kenny we understand that many of our clients lead busy lives and may not have time to attend our office for an interview to complete their tax return. We therefore developed BQK...
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PPSAdvisory – Introductory ServicesOur team recently received an update on the Personal Property Security Act (PPSA) from our affiliated advisor, Simon Read of PPSAdvisory Simon reminded us of the importance of our clients properly registering their security interests,...
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