Tax Return Checklist and Business Checklist
Tax Return Checklist
At Brealey Quill Kenny we understand that many of our clients lead busy lives and may not have time to attend our office for an interview to complete their tax return. We therefore developed BQK Tax Return Checklist.
Clients download the BQK Tax Return Checklist form and open using Microsoft Excel. They then complete the form with the required information and email or fax it to our office.
One of our tax accountants then reviews the information and drafts the tax return. The tax accountant then contacts the client to request any further information and discuss the overall tax result. The BQK Tax Return Checklist form means that our clients are able to meet their annual tax obligations without the inconvenience of taking time off work to come to our office.
The BQK Tax Return Checklist form is also a useful checklist for our clients when compiling their information for the interview with one of our tax accountants.
End of year business checklist
To assist our Business clients, Brealey Quill Kenny have prepared a checklist of the items to collate and forward to our office in order to prepare end of financial year tax returns and financial statements.
The checklist is fairly exhaustive. As a minimum we will generally need:
- Reconciled MYOB Data File or similar information for other accounting software
- Copies of bank statement showing the 30 June balance for all bank accounts & credit cards
- Copies of loan statements for the financial year
- New lease or HP agreements entered into during the financial year
- Copies of PAYG summaries issued to employees for the financial year