Brealey Quill Kenny clients who are involved in Manufacturing should Act Now

Just this week the Federal Government announced a $160 million fund to help small & medium manufacturing businesses invest in new technology.

This grant is quite unique as eligible expenditure includes the purchase of plant & equipment (including design, engineering & automation) – expenditure which is normally excluded from government grants.

Clients of Brealey Quill Kenny should act now as Grant applications close in just over 6 weeks’ time, on 31 October 2019 5.00pm AEDT.

To be eligible your businesses must:

  • be a manufacturer and have less than 200 employees;
  • be a company or a discretionary trust with a company as trustee; and
  • be able to clearly identify the level of job creation expected from the grant funded project.

The program will run over 3 years and will be delivered through two streams of funding:

  1. $20 million will be for matched grants of between $50,000 and $100,000 for smaller scale technology investments.
  2. $30 million for larger-scale grants of up to $1 million, on a three to one funding basis with industry, to support transformative investments in technologies and processes.

The maximum grant period is 2 years.

To be successful your grant funded project and application must score highly against all of the following criteria:

  1. The extent that your project will improve your manufacturing competitiveness and lead to job growth (40 points)
  2. Capacity, capability and resources to deliver the project (40 points)
  3. Impact of the grant funding on your project (20 points)

Brealey Quill Kenny in Canning Vale is experienced and successful in lodging Grant applications. Please contact our office if you would like assistance in this regard.

For further details and to lodge an application please follow this link


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